On and Off Your Mat

Five Ways to Slow Down and Be More Mindful, with Erika Belanger

On and Off Your Mat Yoga Podcast with Erika Belanger | Five Ways to Slow Down and Be More Mindful
I'm Erika!

I have a passion for helping women in their personal growth, so they can feel that anything is possible in life. Blogging is one way I do that; another medium for me to share a more personal side of the whole journey. 

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Do you live a fast-paced life and struggle to lower your stress levels? Do you tend to multitask and get distracted easily? Are you more emotionally reactive than you would like, or are you simply looking to improve your overall well-being? If you said yes to any of these questions, you could likely use some slowing down and mindfulness in your life, so today’s episode is for you.

This week, I talk about the difference between slowing down and mindfulness, the benefits of these practices, and we’ll look at five things you can do to practice slowing down and becoming more mindful. It just takes a few minutes each day to have a slower, more mindful life filled with gratitude.

I share different practices and tips for being more mindful, creating peace and space in your life, and cultivating gratitude in this episode. I also talk about how to make mindfulness a regular practice, why you should slow down, and how to center yourself when you’re feeling like things are a little chaotic again. I am so excited to share all of this with you so that you can bring these practices into your life every day.

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What You’ll Discover:

  • How to practice slowing down.
  • Tips for using mindfulness in your daily life.
  • What a body scan looks like and what it does for you.
  • How to practice deep breathing.
  • Why you should be practicing gratitude.
  • How to bring yourself back to a mindful state.

Listen to the Full Episode:

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Hi, I'm Erika.
Your Yoga Teacher and Life Coach.

I have a passion for helping women in their personal growth, so they can feel that anything is possible in life. Blogging is one way I do that; another medium for me to share a more personal side of the whole journey. Self-Study, awareness, and inquiry are a big part of my path. Join me as I use my experiences as the base for the lessons I want to share. I write about what I know and what helps me, hoping that it will help you.

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