On and Off Your Mat

Setting Goals and Moving Forward with Erika Belanger

I'm Erika!

I have a passion for helping women in their personal growth, so they can feel that anything is possible in life. Blogging is one way I do that; another medium for me to share a more personal side of the whole journey. 

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Happy New Year guys! This time a year is perfect to reflect on the past year and project ourselves into the future to envision and create what you want to experience. Did you feel like 2020 was a year of ruined plans? If so now’s the time to take control back, dream again, and start to rebuild.

Are you the type not to follow through on resolutions? Or maybe not even set them? This episode is for you. Instead of setting vague and empty resolutions, learn how to set the right goals for yourself, and how to accomplish them easily.

Once more, for today’s episode, I do not have a guest, I’m taking the spotlight. I got so much good feedback from my episode #73 Yoga, chronic pain and mental health, that I decided to do some more solo episodes once in a while. 

Today’s episode is a skeleton or a teaser for the work we’ll do for my 5-day New Year Group-Challenge starting on January 8. I took this huge thing I teach over 5 days and boiled it down to some of the most important concepts and tools I wanted to share.

So after listening to this episode, if you really want to dive into this work, but you feel overwhelmed or you don’t want to do this alone but you can’t afford one-on-one coaching, join us in my New Year Group Coaching Challenge and you’ll do all this with my support and in the community at a fraction of the price. Together, we’ll get clear on your intention and your priorities. We’ll look at the area of your life that need the most attention, and set goals to move the needle forward towards what you’ve been longing to experience. We’ll plan step by step how to get there and give you the support you need to stay on track and make it happen… If you want to know more visit my website @erikabelanger.com or send me an email erika.belanger@gmail.com

Listen to the episode here:


1- I work in 3 steps when setting goals: First, consider the context (past and now and lessons learned), second, create a ritual of letting go of what doesn’t serve you or stands in your way, and third start the process of moving forward by cultivating confidence, opening myself, setting a goal and creating momentum.

2- Get clear on your values, passions, and purpose. They are really the keys to knowing what you want. Use intuition as a way to get clear information that is not influenced by your conditioning.

3- The right goal is fulfilling and in alignment with who you are and what you want. It’s big enough to create change but realistic enough to be doable. It’s breakable into smaller pieces that are tangible and measurable.

4- One way to stay on track is to attach meaning to your goals. Knowing why do you want to accomplish something is one of the keys to staying motivated when you are faced with challenges. The other one is to give yourself internal rewards for every milestone accompmplished.

5- Take care of your nervous system. It is at the origin of your thoughts and actions. Regulating the nervous system is important for long term change and repetition of positive thoughts and behaviors.

Topics I covered during this episode

  • Steps to set goals
  • How to identify our current context?
  • The role of appreciation and celebration
  • Identifying what has helped you in the past
  • Identifying what has stopped you in the past
  • Example of practices of letting go/forgiveness
  • The importance of releasing before moving forward
  • How to cultivate courage and confidence
  • The importance of opening yourself to new possibilities
  • Being honest with what you value
  • Connecting to your intuition
  • identifying your passion and purpose
  • What kind of goals we should set?
  • How to create momentum
  • How to stop self-sabotage


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About me

Erika is a yoga teacher, the host, and producer of On & Off Your Mat Podcast, and a transformational life coach. Being a teacher is part of who she is, and she uses yoga, podcasting, and life coaching as different entry points all aiming to help her students and clients build a happier, healthier, and more peaceful life. Her radiant spirit and engaging sense of humor create light-hearted practices focused on awareness, intentional movement, and self-care. She empowers her students and clients to awaken to themselves, become embodied, and build the life of their dreams.

Website : www.erikabelanger.com

IG :@erika.belanger @onandoffyourmatpodcast

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Hi, I'm Erika.
Your Yoga Teacher and Life Coach.

I have a passion for helping women in their personal growth, so they can feel that anything is possible in life. Blogging is one way I do that; another medium for me to share a more personal side of the whole journey. Self-Study, awareness, and inquiry are a big part of my path. Join me as I use my experiences as the base for the lessons I want to share. I write about what I know and what helps me, hoping that it will help you.

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