On and Off Your Mat

Tools to Regulate Your Nervous System, with Erika Balanger

On and Off Your Mat Yoga Podcast with Erika Bélanger | Tools to Regulate Your Nervous System with Erika Balanger
I'm Erika!

I have a passion for helping women in their personal growth, so they can feel that anything is possible in life. Blogging is one way I do that; another medium for me to share a more personal side of the whole journey. 

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Are you starting to recognize and identify your stress responses, the different branches of your nervous system, and you’re ready to start taking action in moving your body from one state to another? If so, today’s episode is exactly what you need.

Stress is a big topic and affects us in so many ways, so I’m incorporating more episodes around stress and our response to it. There are many tools that can help you meet your nervous system where it is right now, giving you the ability to shift your state as needed and regulate yourself when you need to, and I’m sharing my favorites on the show.

Tune in this week for a comprehensive list of tools and suggestions for how to regulate your nervous system. Listen with curiosity and, by the end of this episode, you’ll have a list of tools and strategies that you can start experimenting with when your nervous system takes over because of a feeling of insecurity or stress.

What You’ll Discover:

  • An overview of your nervous system and its different branches.
  • How our perception of our external environment influences our nervous system.
  • Why you always have the ability to choose to influence your nervous system towards what you want to experience in any moment.
  • How to start observing your nervous system and the thoughts you’re thinking in that state.
  • Why you need to meet your nervous system where it is with acceptance before you can begin to change it.
  • How to support your nervous system through proper sleep, food, and exercise.
  • Where to look for glimmers when you find yourself feeling triggered.
  • Some tools you can use for shifting from one nervous system state into another that you find more useful.

Listen to the Full Episode:

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Hi, I'm Erika.
Your Yoga Teacher and Life Coach.

I have a passion for helping women in their personal growth, so they can feel that anything is possible in life. Blogging is one way I do that; another medium for me to share a more personal side of the whole journey. Self-Study, awareness, and inquiry are a big part of my path. Join me as I use my experiences as the base for the lessons I want to share. I write about what I know and what helps me, hoping that it will help you.

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