For our 31st episode, I sat down with Tiffany Cruickshank. I met Tiffany at Yoga Journal Live Event in SF. I took some of her Yoga Medicine workshops over a few years and I absolutely loved her approach to the body, her attention to the anatomy, physiology and biomechanics. Since then I’ve been following her online and dreaming of doing her trainings. I’m in awe with all the work she does as a yoga teacher, teacher trainer, author, and activist, so I was very excited to sit down with her and chat about it all.
Listen to the episode here :
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- Why did you choose Chinese medicine over Ayurveda or western medicine?
- Are there some basic recommendation you give patients that are useful for most people, that you could share with us now, so listeners can have a few tools they can integrate in their lives for better health?
- How can the concepts of chi and ying-yang inform our yoga practice?
- Parallel to chinese medicine you also specialized in sports medicine, is it from those 2 loves that Yoga Medicine has emerge? Can you tell us a bit more about that training program?
- You’re also leading The Yoga Medicine Research Institute (YMRI) as a non-profit research organization focused on the application of yoga, meditation & mindfulness to improve health & the human condition, is that your way to do your own continuing education?
- Can you share with us one example of research and the findings that came out of it? Are those research projects available to the public? Can we talk about your book Meditate your weight? I think the link between meditation and metabolism is fascinating, and the role of our nervous system in our health is often times underrated. How ignoring the power of our mind can be a limiting factor in our health? How can people use meditation to support weight loss?
- You also founded the YOGA MEDICINE SEVA FOUNDATION. Can you tell us what’s it’s about? Why did you choose to give back in that way? Why human trafficking and sexual exploitation?
- How can listeners support you and this foundation if they’d like?

Tiffany Cruikshank-Founder of Yoga Medicine® is an internationally renowned yoga instructor, who has spent the past 20 years crafting a methodology for teaching and practicing yoga, wherein the practice is melded with Eastern and Western notions of medicine. Cruikshank’s teaching is held up by her work as a holistic health practitioner, acupuncturist, and sports medicine expert. Based in Seattle, Cruikshank teaches regularly for YogaGlo, and travels extensively around the world. She is also the author of Meditate Your Weight. Her approach has helped thousands of yogis around the world see their practice in a new light as a result of Cruikshank’s innovative thinking and dedication to the practice.
Find out more about her :
IG: @TiffanyCruikshank, @Yoga_Medicine
Twitter: @TiffanyYoga. @Yoga_Medicine
Facebook: @TiffanyCruikshankYoga
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