Do you often find yourself feeling overwhelmed by stimuli that others seem to handle with ease? Are you frequently moved to tears by poignant moments or experiences of beauty? If so, you might be highly sensitive, and understanding and embracing your sensitivity can help you live a more fulfilling life.
High sensitivity, sometimes called sensory-processing sensitivity, is a trait found in about 20% of the population. It refers to an increased sensitivity to stimuli such as sights, sounds, and emotions. While sensitivity can be a source of deep empathy and creativity, it can also lead to feelings of overwhelm and stress.
Get crystal clear on your sensitivity profile and take this FREE quiz!! With 12 insightful questions, you’ll uncover your emotional strengths and weaknesses and gain a deeper understanding of your sensitivity.
Ps: After you take the quiz, you’ll receive your personalized workbook and action plan with the right tools for your level of sensitivity. Embrace it and lead a more fulfilling life. Once you have a better understanding of your sensitivity level, you will start to make changes that support your well-being. Enjoy!
What’s next? Here are some more resources for you:
1.Blog Post: What Does it Mean to be Highly Sensitive?
2.Podcast Episode: Are You Really Too Sensitive?
3. Practices for your nervous system: Join the Yoga Membership.
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