On and Off Your Mat

Becoming a (better) Yoga Teacher with Noah Maze

I'm Erika!

I have a passion for helping women in their personal growth, so they can feel that anything is possible in life. Blogging is one way I do that; another medium for me to share a more personal side of the whole journey. 

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For our 51st episode, I sat down with Noah Mazé. Noah co-founded his school, The Mazé Method with his wife, Tracy, nearly a decade ago. Together they have pioneered training content to enhance and sharpen the skills of yoga teachers around the world. Noah serves as faculty for teacher trainings internationally and acts as a consultant to corporations developing yoga education programs. He is a regular presenter at Wanderlust Festivals and contributes to publications including Yoga International, Yoga Journal, and more. He offers online classes at Yoga International, Wanderlust TV, and OmStars, and offers a vast array of online content via his own site.

Listen to the full episode here :


  1. 1- Teacher trainings are not only for students that want to be teachers. You can have other goals in that learning experience. A 200H is just scratching the surface. There’s always more to learn. We are never really done being a student of yoga, even when you are a certified teacher.
  2. Being a good teacher is being authentic to yourself, owning your voice, what you know and don’t know, your experience, and what is not your experience. They make no greater claim than what belongs to them, and they find the balance between confidence and humility.
  3. When you’re a student-teacher, go to class, but don’t be just a student; peak behind the curtain, be curious about all the things the teacher is considering to make the choices that they are making, the sequence that they are teaching, the instructions that they are giving. The more you can have multiple perspectives, the more you’ll learn.
  4. Alignment is the shape of the pose we’re going for. Any deviation could be considered misalignment, but it doesn’t mean it’s wrong, bad or injurious, it only means it’s not what we are going for at this moment. What we label as aligned is limited to a specific context.
  5. To grow as a teacher, you have to start with self-compassion, be clear on your goals as a teacher and look at your choices according to the experience you wanted to offer.


  • Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your yoga journey?
  • How do you ignite a love of teaching and intrinsic motivation in students / future teachers?
  • What does it take to be a successful yoga teacher? How does success actually look like?
  • How does a good student become a good teacher? What does that transition look like?
  • How to pick the right training for you?
  • What are the pieces that you will find no matter who you study with?

Burst questions:

  • One fun fact about anatomy?
  • One alignment that is misunderstood?
  • One tip for more efficient sequencing?
  • One thing to remember as a new teacher about teaching pranayama or meditation?
  • Bhagavad Gita or Yoga Sutras? Which one do you choose?
  • For all the teachers out there live streaming on zoom or other platforms because of the shelter-in-place, how can they use this time as an opportunity to grow and become better teachers?
  • What can teachers look at/for when they watch themselves on video?


Thank you so much for listening and being part of our 51st episode! If you enjoy this podcast, please subscribe, rate and review anywhere you listen. I really appreciate your financial support with this podcast. If you can, know that you can make a big difference even with a small donation to help me cover the production cost and allow me to create more episodes. Visit www.patreon.com/onandoffyourmat and become a vip member. As a thank you, get access to new exclusive content every month. This month, you get a lesson on Breath of Fire and a practice of it.


Noah has devoted his life to the subject of yoga. Noah is best known for his clear, precise and methodical teaching style, his tangible knowledge, and his ability to transmit with openness, curiosity, and wit. In the words of his students: Noah’s fierce and compassionate dedication to yoga inspires and holds space for students to journey deeper into body, heart, mind, and spirit than they ever could have imagined. Noah began a regular hatha practice when he was 14 years old and has spent his life learning. He has collected, gathered, experienced, and embodied this vast subject: seeking out the best teachers, learning from different lineages, and absorbing much of what has been on offer.

Ever-advancing the conversation and curriculum in yoga education, Noah co-founded his school, The Mazé Method with his wife, Tracy, nearly a decade ago. Together they have pioneered training content to enhance and sharpen the skills of yoga teachers around the world. Noah is always a student and has devoted himself to creating pathways for teachers to continue their learning and cultivation of voice and skill. In addition to creating and developing his school’s curriculum, Noah serves as faculty for teacher trainings around the world and acts as a consultant to corporations developing yoga education programs. He is a regular presenter at Wanderlust Festivals and contributes to publications including Yoga International, Yoga Journal, and more. He offers online classes at Yoga International, Wanderlust TV, and OmStars, and offers a vast array of online content via his own site, which can be found at www.mazeonyoga.com and www.themazemethod.com. Noah lives in Los Angeles with his wife, Tracy, their two children, 8yo Oliver and 11yo Madeleine, and their five rescued dogs.

Learn more about him :
www.mazeonyoga.com www.themazemethod.com

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Hi, I'm Erika.
Your Yoga Teacher and Life Coach.

I have a passion for helping women in their personal growth, so they can feel that anything is possible in life. Blogging is one way I do that; another medium for me to share a more personal side of the whole journey. Self-Study, awareness, and inquiry are a big part of my path. Join me as I use my experiences as the base for the lessons I want to share. I write about what I know and what helps me, hoping that it will help you.

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