On and Off Your Mat

Stand Out as a Yoga Teacher Through Storytelling and Theme-Weaving, with MaKenzie Fly

On and Off Your Mat Yoga Podcast with Erika Belanger | Stand Out as a Yoga Teacher Through Storytelling and Theme-Weaving, with MaKenzie Fly
I'm Erika!

I have a passion for helping women in their personal growth, so they can feel that anything is possible in life. Blogging is one way I do that; another medium for me to share a more personal side of the whole journey. 

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If you’re a yoga teacher but always a student at heart, continuously wanting to learn and hone your skills, this episode is here to help you stay inspired in your teachings, have a bigger impact, and make more money from doing what you love. Ready to stand out as a yoga teacher by leveraging storytelling and theme-weaving?

MaKenzie Fly is a podcast host, retreat leader, and yoga teacher trainer living in Las Vegas. She helps yoga teachers get to their next level by developing more magnetism, attracting and retaining students through better sequencing, theme-weaving, and storytelling, and eventually becoming yogi-preneurs and building sustainable businesses as yoga teachers.

Tune in this week to discover how to stand out as a yoga teacher by mastering the skills of theme-weaving and storytelling in your classes and in your business. MaKenzie shares why all of us are capable of telling a beautiful story through our yoga classes, and you’ll get practical tips for implementing theme-weaving for the benefit of your students.

What You’ll Discover:

  • How MaKenzie fell in love with yoga alongside her career as a performer, eventually becoming a full-time yoga teacher.
  • The biggest mistakes yoga teachers make when telling a story through their practice with their students.
  • How motherhood has shifted MaKenzie’s perspective about what’s possible as a yoga teacher.
  • Why storytelling is a natural part of being a human, and nobody is an inherently bad storyteller.
  • Practical tips you can implement right now to become an even better storyteller in your yoga classes.
  • How to create a beautiful experience for your yoga students by using theme-weaving.
  • The impact you can make when you decide what success looks like and what your biggest values are as a yogi-preneur.

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Hi, I'm Erika.
Your Yoga Teacher and Life Coach.

I have a passion for helping women in their personal growth, so they can feel that anything is possible in life. Blogging is one way I do that; another medium for me to share a more personal side of the whole journey. Self-Study, awareness, and inquiry are a big part of my path. Join me as I use my experiences as the base for the lessons I want to share. I write about what I know and what helps me, hoping that it will help you.

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