For our 35th episode, I sat down with Michele Klink. Michele was one of my mentors throughout my first teacher training. She supported me in my growth as a new teacher, and I was always inspired by her passion and dedication for teaching. I have been amazed with how she weaves in philosophical, energetic and spiritual context in her classes, and when I saw that she was offering a workshop on Yoga and the 5 senses, I thought that would be the perfect opportunity to have her on the show as a guest.
1. The senses are the window to the world we see. Over stimulation of the senses create a fatigue that dulls our senses and therefore our view of the outside world in a way that prevents us to see what is truly there.
2. The goal is to focus on one sense, then withdraw a little bit away from the sense to quiet the mind chatter that is associated with that sense. Allow the awareness of your consciousness to grown until you withdraw completely to be able to really the world as it is ; pure peace, joy and so on.
3. The senses can control the mind and the mind can control our senses. Your sense can deplete you or you can awaken your inner pharmacy of healing through your 5 senses.
4. Some of the Ideas she suggested to explore the senses on the mat (more in the episode): – Sight : Try a Drishti or gaze point, visualize. – Sound : Listen to your breath, one sound or one tone in the music. – Touch : Notice how your skin feels. Use a mudra. – Smell : Smell the breath in and out the nose. Use essential oils.- Taste : Tongue mudras
5. Some of the Ideas she suggested to explore the senses off the mat (more in the episode):
– Sight : Go out in nature, look at the view. Sit in front of a sunset.
– Sound : Beautiful music, inspirational words, a soothing voice.
– Touch : Self-Massage, long hug.
– Smell : Choose a smell you love and associate it with a positive emotion.
– Taste : Chew your food! Stay for a few minutes
- Can you tell us about yourself, your background and your yoga journey.
- Can you give us a general overview of what the 5 sense mean in the context of a yoga practice and why we should pay attention to it in our modern day society?
- Should we focus on the senses or do we withdraw away from the senses?
- Is it easier to start with our dominant or favorite sense or with the opposite?
- Is the goal of focusing on our senses to deepen our experience of the present moment?
- How do we work with the 5 Senses on the mat?
- And how do we do it so that we are not attached to a specific desired experience and stay anchored in the present moment?
- How can we incorporate practices with the 5 Senses off the mat, for example for Optimal Health?
- If there was one takeaway you’d like listeners to leave with what would it be.
Thank you so much for listening and being part of our 35th episode! We have other great guests lined up for you so make sure to subscribe to the podcast where ever you listen to not miss an episode or get on my mailing list!
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Based in Northern California and teaching in Marin and the San Francisco Bay Area, Michele Klink is an experienced Yoga Instructor E-RYT 500+ with Yoga Alliance with over 25 years study, continuing education and teaching. Michele Klink’s mission is to offer opportunities to evolve you toward a happy, contented and fulfilled life. Whether in a group or individual setting, she sees your true potential and provides an evolution of experience for your body, mind and spirit in a safe and caring environment. She encourages the fulfillment of health and creative aspirations to make this life well-lived and lived with love!
Michele is a skilled Yoga Instructor, Therapeutic-Oriented Yoga Specialist, Yoga Teacher Trainer, Professional Mentor, Reiki Practitioner, Holistic Health Educator, Creativity Coach and an inspiration to all!
An experience with Michele is always multi-layered to facilitate a deep inward experience, mingled with mindfulness and positive psychology. She guides you through a physical unfolding and emotional untangling to a broader perspective and spiritual insights to realize a higher vision, helping you to realize your authentic potential.
Learn more about her, her YOGA CLASS schedule, October 2019 JAPAN, Yoga and Meditation Retreat, workshops, BLOG on SENSATIONAL SAVORING: A Guide to Daily Mindfulness Meditation on :
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