For our 38th episode, I sat down with Courtney Seiberling. Courtney is a writer, yoga teacher, and educator. She dedicates herself to projects that inspire and help people and is passionate about yoga philosophy. Her latest book : YOGA’S YAMAS and NIYAMAS – 10 Principles for Peace & Purpose is inspiring reader to apply these yoga philosophy concepts in their practice on the mat and in the life off the mat. So what a better subject for this podcast!
1- The physical is a way into the mental and the mental can be the way in the physical
2 – You have a lot more control over your mind that you think you do. Give it something to focus on, a task to do.
3 – For newer teacher that want to talk about philosophy, start by reading the texts, focus on something that interesting to you and draw examples from your own life so you can share from an authentic place.
4 – The stories you keep repeating to your self, even if untrue, with enough repetition will become true to you
5 – The mat is a mirror for your life. Philosophy concepts are here to help. Don’t let them be scary and overwhelming. Listen to what teachers are saying and see if and how you can applying it in your every day life off the mat.
- Where does your passion for yoga philosophy comes from?
- How can knowledge of yoga philosophy impact the physical practice of asanas, (postures) on the mat?
- Why is it still relevant today although it was written thousands of years ago?
- What are subtle and less subtle ways teachers can bring yoga philosophy into their class?
- Any tips for teachers that are not comfortable teaching philosophy in class? What’s your favorite philosophy concept?
- Are we drawn to concepts that we need in our life?
- Do you have a favorite Yama/Niyama?
- Where can a student start if they are curious?
- What’s a good entry-level text?
- What text, which version/translation/commentary would you recommend people to dive in first?
- How can we take yoga philosophy off the mat and into real life?
- Can you give examples of concepts that listeners could start to integrate today?
- How does having a spiritual system help us in our daily life? cope with challenges both large and small?
Thank you so much for listening and being part of our 38th episode! We have other great guests lined up for you so make sure to subscribe to the podcast where ever you listen to not miss an episode or get on my mailing list!
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Courtney Seiberling is a writer and yoga teacher from Los Angeles, CA. Her book YOGA’S YAMAS and NIYAMAS – 10 Principles for Peace & Purpose is an accessible guide to applying yoga philosophy to everyday life through intentional thought and practice. The book is deeply personal and includes memoir-like essays to show how she’s used these principles to move through events like heartbreak, death, and rape. Courtney is most interested in making philosophy less heady and more heartfelt and teaching from a place of honesty and realness.
Learn more about her :
Her website :
Her YouTube Channel: Courtney Seiberling
Instagram: @courtneyseiberling
Get her book : YOGA’S YAMAS and NIYAMAS – 10 Principles for Peace & Purpo
Donna Farhi – Yoga Mind, Body & Spirit: A Return to Wholeness
Eknath Easwaran – The Bhagavad Gita
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