

I'm Erika!

I have a passion for helping women in their personal growth, so they can feel that anything is possible in life. Blogging is one way I do that; another medium for me to share a more personal side of the whole journey. 

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So the title kind speaks for itself, right? But keep reading for more details! For my birthday last month, I received a spiralizer.

I’ve been wanting one for a long time! I know they’ve been in fashion for a while now in the food blogging world, but there’s always a new kitchen toy I’m interested in and since my cupboards are pretty full, I try to avoid jumping on the bandwagon too quickly. Anyway, this time I caved, I mean it was my birthday. Since I got it, I’ve become the crazy spiralizing lady and in the process, I found 10 awesome ways to use a spiralizer. If you don’t have one and are not looking to “invest” in one, a julienne cutter or a mandolin could be used with some of the recipes… or you could win one?

Being kinda obsessive, might be a problem, but we’re talking veggies here, there’s worst things to be addicted to, right? Veggies are somewhat of a staple of my day to day meals… Even if you’re not a vegan or even a vegetarian, it’s pretty much impossible to eat too many veggies!

So the part you’ve been looking for… What’s that Giveaway I’m talking about?!?! Haha. Ok. Here we go. I like my Spiralizer so much that I asked the Spiralizer™ team to give you one for free! Yay. First giveaway on the blog. It’s the perfect timing! You can get it for yourself or if you already have one, it will make a great Christmas gift!!! So the next question you have is probably How do I win? Here is what you need to do :

  1. Check out the end of the blog post (after reading and looking at the recipes obviously )
  2. Share the Spiralizer page with your friends on Facebook.
  3. Post a comment to this article.
  4. Choose any other options to augment your chances of winning! 1 extra chance with following me on social media. Get up to 6 chances to win!!!
  5. That’s it! Oh. By the way. The giveaway is only for US residents. Unless you know someone with an American address that could bring you your gift at Christmas per se. Read between the line.

On top of all that, I’m sharing 10+ ideas to use the spiralizer!


You can transform any regular salad into a rainbow of veggies without getting a knife out! You can spiralize any veggie that doesn’t have a pit or is full (read not hollow like a pepper… unless it’s soft and juicy like a tomato. Tomato? Ok, let’s not get into isn’t a tomato a fruit?… you get what I mean), including root vegetables (carrots, parsnip, daikon, beets, etc), cabbages, onions, squash, cucumber and so much more. What blew my mind, is that you can spiralize broccoli stems! What?! Awesome right! You don’t have to throw them away anymore! So with that discovery, I wanted to try it. Broccoli for the green of my rainbow! Beautiful and delicious!


Spiralizing veggies instead of using pasta is incredible! If you’re following a paleo or low carb diet, it will save your life! And if you don’t care about all those tags, you’ll still be happy to know that it’s a lot less heavy, but you still feel super satisfied. It’s more nutritious, and easier to control your blood sugar and to lose weight. On top of all that, it’s easy and super fast to prepare. Oh, and most importantly, it’s sooo delicious!


A lot of different Asian meal use noodles or rice. You can replace those 2 easily! Or if you want to keep your rice and noodles, you can just add an extra serving of veggies! Nothing wrong with that! I made a pho and it was pretty amazing. You could add some chicken, shrimps or tofu to the veggie base! As I’m writing this, I wonder if ramen soup would also be a great idea!


Potatoes and sweet potatoes are great for spiralizing! You can make amazing curly fries super easily! I have also made a few recipes of veggie burgers in the past. Instead of grating the main vegetable, it’s way faster and easier to spiralize it! Beets, sweet potato and carrots are a great base to a veggie burger. Just add a grain, a bean. A few spices and you’re good to go!


There’s a lot you can do with the spiralizer if you don’t own a mandolin. Veggies chips are one of those great things!


  • Spiralizing veggies could make the preparation of your favorite lettuce wraps, sushi rolls or spring roll a lot faster!
  • You could spiralize fruits or veggies to decorate cocktails glasses! Perfect for the holidays! I’m thinking the skin or citrus, apple, cucumber…
  • Many dessert recipes can use the spiralizer. Apple and pear are so easy to spiralize! Perfect to make muffins, cakes, or just to cook with a little sugar and cinnamon!

Do you have any other ideas? I’m for sure forgetting something!

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Hi, I'm Erika.
Your Yoga Teacher and Life Coach.

I have a passion for helping women in their personal growth, so they can feel that anything is possible in life. Blogging is one way I do that; another medium for me to share a more personal side of the whole journey. Self-Study, awareness, and inquiry are a big part of my path. Join me as I use my experiences as the base for the lessons I want to share. I write about what I know and what helps me, hoping that it will help you.

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