I have recorded a forgiveness meditation for our premium members. To get access to the recording, visit the membership platform here and find the forgiveness meditation here.
You can use this meditation to forgive yourself for anything you have done that might have hurt you or someone else you love in the past. You can also use it to forgive someone who has wronged you in a way; someone who has hurt you.
Forgiving someone else doesn’t mean forgetting, dropping the charges, it means liberating yourself, it means cultivating compassion, remembering that hurt people, hurt people. It allows you to live your emotions to then release them so you can move on with your life. It’s hard but worth it.
As you practice forgiveness, you elevate your state of being, your capacity to love and to trust. You free yourself from the past and become more present so you can enjoy life. You can start with a smaller offense if it feels more comfortable. As you learn the method, you might choose to look into more challenging situations. It’s ok. You are in control. You choose.
Here’s a short excerpt:
Get the full 15 minutes meditation by becoming a premium member.
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